Come sit with me

I love blue, purple and scarlet yarn! I have crocheted most of my life, and when I found out that there were women across the nation who were forming Prayer Shawl Ministries, I became so excited; I started one at my church. The Wednesday devotionals on this blog weave together the art of crocheting and the love of God. Plus there are quotations on leadership, patterns, book reviews, and news from other Prayer Shawl Ministries. So if God has filled you with a love for crocheting & knitting, pull out those blue, purple and scarlet yarns and those crochet hooks and knitting needles and join me.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Doxology of Praise

Tom Fettke (Composer)
SATB, Piano
I do not receive any compensation for posting these anthems here; I just think they are terrific. Evelyn

Saturday, May 28, 2011

on Leadership - by John Le Carre

The desk is a dangerous place from which to watch the world.

John Le Carre

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Holy is the Lord

Craig Curry (Arranger), Chris Tomlin (Composer), Louie Giglio (Composer)
SATB, Piano

I do not receive any compensation for posting these anthems here; I just think they are terrific. Evelyn

Saturday, May 21, 2011

on Leadership - by Walter Lippman

The final test of a leader is that he [she] leaves behind in others the conviction and will to carry on.

Walter Lippman

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Matthew 6: 9 – 13
“This, then, is how you should pray, ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us today our daily bread.  Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’”
Luke 11: 2 – 4
He said to them, “When you pray, say: ‘Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come.  Give us each day our daily bread.  Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.  And lead us not into temptation.”

Every night before I go to sleep, I begin my prayers, "Dear God, let your will be done in my son's life.  Let us be a family again."  People who follow Jesus don't have perfect lives or perfect families.  Don't expect a life of bliss and domestic tranquility; it's not going to happen.  Jesus doesn't smooth the road ahead; He becomes the light that guides our feet.
Jesus taught us how to pray.  Two examples are listed above. This is the pattern for the perfect prayer.  I strongly encourage you to study the Lord's Prayer.  Don't worry about the whole sinners versus debtors versus trespassers thing.  Those are just words.  Comprehend the concepts:  
God is holy. 
The fulfillment of God's will completes the master design for the universe. 
Trust that God will meet your needs. 
Ask God to forgive your sins. 
Forgive people. 
Believe that God will not leave you during times of trouble. 
Praise God.
I used to worry that I was wasting God's time.  After all, He was dealing with war, famine, pestilence, starving children, and terrorism, not to mention volcanic eruptions and hurricanes.  I just had a very quiet, mundane, small-town life.
I slipped into the habit of praying for others.  When I hear an ambulance I pray, "Lord, guard and guide."  When I see a policeman or a helmet-less biker, I pray, "God, protect and preserve."  When I see a child, I pray, "Sweet Jesus, direct and defend."  It's very simple; very easy.  It doesn't take a lot of time out of my busy schedule.  Plus, it gives me the feeling that I am praying without ceasing.
At night, in my pajamas and my nice comfortable bed, I ask God to help all the people in trouble.  I name them all and tell God about their problems.
For years, this was how I communicated with God.  It was like I was constantly forwarding e-mails to God without telling him about me: my needs, my troubles, my hopes, my joy.  I closed my prayers the way I close my e-mails, "Love you!  Evelyn"
I was a very busy prayer-er, but I ignored the fact that I was important to God.  He loves me.  He doesn’t just want to hear from me; He wants to speak with me.
I learned the hard way that I can't save anyone.  I learned the hard way that the only person I can control is myself.  I learned the hard way that I am not in charge of the universe.  Most importantly, I learned the hard way that God loves me.
I stopped forwarding prayers to God and began begging, "God, help me.  I need you."
This shift in relationship has changed my life.  I still pray for those I see around me.  I still lift the cares and burdens of friends up to God.  I always pray that God's will be done in my son's life.  But I talk to God now.
That's what prayer is meant to be; not just sending communications to the Divine God, but having conversations with my Sweet Lord.
To me, prayer is the most important part of this Prayer Shawl Ministry.  We are not just a group of people making handmade clothing.  We're not just a group of people giving away clothing.  We pray.  This defines us.  This empowers us.
As you pray over the shawls and for the recipients, don't forget to talk to God.  Ask Him to guide you and to guard you.  Ask Him to protect and preserve you.  Ask Him to direct and defend you.  You are important to Him.  He is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, and extremely busy.  But He will always take time to listen to you.
[Insert your prayer here.]

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

We Have Come to Sing

Larry Shackley (Composer)
SATB, Piano
I do not receive any compensation for posting these anthems here; I just think they are terrific. Evelyn

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

            My favorite shawl pattern calls for fifteen ounces of four-ply yarn.  The material costs about eight dollars and I can complete one in eight hours.  Another pattern calls for forty-four ounces of two ply yarn for about thirty-two dollars and takes at least a week to make because the directions are so intricate.  Both patterns result in gorgeous shawls of the same dimensions which are received equally well.  The materials cost different amounts of money and time, but the true value is how the materials are used.  So the shawls are of equal value.
            Christian works are very much like shawls.  Some projects cost more than others in material, time, and attention to detail.  But the end result for all Christian works should be the same -- leading all souls to heaven.
            I can't sing in front of thousands -- well, I could, but the thousands wouldn't appreciate it.  I can't physically build a house or adopt orphaned refugees.  I have very little medical skills and speak only English and a grocery-store-smattering of Spanish.  But I can crochet.  And I can pray.  I pray over the things I crochet and pray for the people who receive the things I crochet.  And this helps lead people to heaven.
            Salvation is the most valuable gift in the world.

My Savior, help me accept the limitations to my talents, not by being discouraged or by giving up, but by using what I can do to further your kingdom.  Whatever I can do, let me do it so that all souls will be led to heaven.  In your name I pray, Amen.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Power of His Blood

Craig Curry (Arranger)
SATB, Piano
I do not receive any compensation for posting these anthems here; I just think they are terrific. Evelyn

Saturday, May 7, 2011

on Leadership - by Ralph Nadar

The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.

Ralph Nadar

Friday, May 6, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

To Crochet or to Knit

To Knitters -- Proverbs 19: 14
Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the Lord.
To Crocheters -- I Corinthians 7: 8
Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: it is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am.

A knitted shawl is soft, feminine, and brings comfort to the wearer.  A crocheted shawl does exactly the same thing.
Booties protect and warm the feet of babies whether they were knitted or crocheted.
Crocheted afghans serve the same purpose as knitted ones.
I have never read a commandment anywhere that states, Thou shall knit.  Or Blessed are the crotcheters even though they are only half as good as knitters.
There are some patterns and some yarns that lend themselves better to crochet than to knit.  And definitely, there are some people who are better suited to knit than to crochet.
But the purpose of both is to create and the end result is the same.
I know how to knit; I just never caught on to knitting as well as I did to crocheting.  As a crochet artist, I invent my own patterns, teach others, and produce projects well.  As a knitter, I lost count, dropped stitches, forgot which direction I was going, and usually produced a miserable looking scarf (which the pattern described as a king-sized afghan.)
I believe God created me to crochet.  If, eventually, God wants me to knit, He will provide evenly matched needles and a pattern well suited to my talents and His ambitions. (It sure would be nice if God gave me someone who loves to sing.)
In your shawl ministries, try to include knitters and crocheters.  Some work well in pairs; others work best singly.  But if God is the Master Designer, the end results will be the same.

Jesus, never let me forget to include every woman into my circle of friends.  Don’t ever let me expect someone to spend time with me and exclude their spouse.  Don’t ever let me offer an invitation in such a way that a woman would not feel comfortable attending if she came alone.  To some people, you gave the gift of holy matrimony.  To other people, you gave the gift of being unmarried.  You chose the gift for us, not the other way around.  Don’t let me forget that.  Amen.